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We discovered a dead sea-turtle this morning, floating in the waters of Playa Mann. Actually we were not able to tell if it was dead or alive, from where we saw it, but we assumed the worst, since it didn't move or flinch and drifted towards land, slowly. After this short meeting with Darwinism we started to prefabricate the columns, that meant - sawing the bamboo to the correct lengths and drilling holes that are used for filling the ends with concrete.

This went on pretty much the whole day while others were shaving split bamboo with their knifes. These pieces are going to be for the panels that subdivide the spaces within the structure. We were also told, although we try to avoid it that the structures main purpose is going to be showers - and not shading anymore. We will have to think about something for the showers, but for now we are continuing the building, and we'll deal with the showers when that problem arises.

Just before the break Torunn, Jørgen and Jan went to the recycling plant to pick up some more coca-cola bottles for our extravagant column feet.

On the way back we shared a ride with the recycling truck and enjoyed the local beer (Endemica) while watching the dramatic sunset from Playa Mann.

When we came home Torgeir sat on the steps of the hostel and played guitar in memory of Leonard Cohen that passed away this day.

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